Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Women's Day

Women's day is not a day to celebrate but a thought to take along, a dream to fulfill. Let us shape up a society where ladies seats in buses and ladies compartments in trains are of no use, a society where ladies quota in jobs is redundant and 'always ladies first' type outlook would be considered as backdated, a society where men and women would share home and office duties both, a society where virginity is not a taboo, a society where marriage doesn't mean a change of home for a girl, a society where women enjoy the same freedom a man do. That would be a society where women's day is celebrated daily from the heart.

We need to step up and maintain the same enthusiasm as that of wishing happy women's day, to make a society where every day is a women's day. Where a woman can return back home safe and sound at midnight without keeping her parents and relatives fearfully asleep, where a woman can go and lodge a complaint in a police station, alone, without the fear of getting harassed, where a woman can work with her male colleague or boss without getting nervous because of the undesired glances at her, even for a second, where a woman can visit any gynecologist without gasping once after hearing the name of a male doctor, where gender will not play a role to allow a foetus into this world.

We need a society where women are not treated as women weaker than men, but as women equally capable of men, where having a women competitor would not be a relief, where the power of women would not be justified by a mere section of the lot but the whole. Let us make a society where 'men will be men' would not be a mark of prowess over women but of gratitude towards them. Let us shape up a society, where wishing happy women's day is not a ritual or a routine but a characteristic that will be spread over generations to come.

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